5 Best Foods For Weight Loss

 I few weeks back I posted a very simple weight loss plan, and I promised to follow on from that, and discuss my top 5 foods for weight loss.
In my list below I haven’t included fruits and vegetables, purely because that is a given. I don’t need to restate it.
You need to eat more fruits and veg, period.
Okay, on to my best foods for weight loss, here goes…
Healthy Foods to Help You Lose Weight
1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a great source of nutrients and fiber, and an excellent choice for breakfast, because it helps to keep you feeling satisfied for longer, whereas packaged breakfast cereals generally don’t do a great job at all.

My favorite way to eat oatmeal is with a dash of cinnamon, grated apple, a few chopped nuts, or some ground flaxseeds.
Dried fruits and a little natural yogurt are also good options.
Here is my recent article on whole grain food for more grain ideas.
2. Brown Rice
I love rice more than any other starchy carb. In fact, I really can’t imagine my diet without it.

But, eating a lot of white rice isn’t good for your waistline, mainly because it doesn’t fill you up and so you find yourself eating way more than you need.
So, making the switch over to brown rice is an essential, but very easy step.
I think the key when cooking brown rice is to plan ahead. Don’t leave the rice as the last thing you prepare, otherwise everything will be ready before the rice even gets going.
You will only need a very small portion of brown rice to feel full, about 50 grams, which means you are cutting calories, without depriving yourself of something you enjoy.
3. Legumes
If I haven’t banged on about legumes enough already on Dietriffic, here I go one more time! :-)

I think I love them… they are nutritious, cheap, easy to use, and low in calories. The perfect food if you are trying to lose weight.
You should try to add them to your meal plan at least two times each week.
You can substitue some of the meat in certain recipes with legumes, or you could have a “vegetarian” night, when you make a lentil curry, for example.
4. Nuts
Lots of people shy away from eating nuts and seeds when they are dieting, because of the calorie content.

However, I have found over and over again that when your diet is filled with whole foods, like nuts, you don’t need to worry so much about counting calories, your body naturally craves less.
So, eat a handful of nuts each day, in place of your normal high sugar snack, and I promise you will notice the difference.
Come back here and tell me if you don’t feel more satisfied for longer!
Just remember to keep your portion under control, as this is where nuts can be a problem. A portion is 1 to 1 1/2 ounces.
5. Water
Okay, so I know I said this was my “5 best foods for weight loss” but I just have to mention water. It is absolutely essential!

Don’t try to lose weight without drinking at least 8 cups of plain water per day.
If you have a soft drink (or other calorific beverage) habit, you need to get shot of that, and fast!
As I’ve said before, sodas have zero nutritional value. All they do is add calories you don’t need, especially when you are trying to lose weight.
If you need help curbing your soda habit, check out this article.
So, that’s my 5 best foods for weight loss — what would you add to this list?

Source : http://www.dietriffic.com/2010/12/02/best-foods-for-weight-loss/

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