The health benefits of Lime Water

Lime water?

Yes, Lime water! The little green fruit and its sweet juices promote health benefits such as; Weight loss, healthier Eyes, helps fight urinary disorders, promotes healthier skin, a healthier digestion track, and helps with the treatment of scurvy (For those of you who don't know what scurvy is, it is a disease resulting in the deficiency of Vitamin-C) along with quite a few other health benefits, this little green fruit, while being tasty is also one of the best fruits to ingest.
Lime is commonly consumed in various refreshing drinks, it can also be found in various things such as; sorbets, jellies, jams, and its oils are used in a large assortment of soft drinks and cosmetics.
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Limes and Weight Loss?

Limes have a very high citric acid content, and citric acid is a very strong fat burner (Think grapefruit, only limes taste better and have 2 times the citric acid content!). Taking the steps to use lime for weight loss is as simple as adding it to your daily water intake. (I personally take bottles of water to work every day, and inside my desk drawer is a bottle of unsweetened Key-lime juice.) Adding lime juice to just two or three glasses of water throughout your day, can help boost your weight loss if you are on a diet. Lime juice in cold water is a great and refreshing drink, which not only promotes weight loss but cools you down significantly more so than a regular bottle of water would! While being a fat burner, lime juice is also an excellent anti-oxidant. This helps your quest of losing weight by removing the toxins in your body and keeping you squeaky clean and ultimately feeling better over all.

Limes and Skin Care?

Lime juices and oils are exceptionally beneficial to the skin. Lime juice, consumed orally, or lime oil, applied topically, rejuvenate skin. Limes keep the human skin healthy, and shiny, not only does it help fight infections, lime juice also helps fight body-odor due to its high content of vitamin-C and flavanoids. Limes are full of anti-oxidants, anti-biotic, and disinfectants (Which means limes also help with acne!)
Limes and its juices are also known to help eliminate bruises, cure dandruff, and also clean your skin due to its acidic contents, breaking down the old and dead skin cells.

Lime and Digestion?

Limes are delicious, the sweet aroma of a lime usually makes even the driest of mouths drool. The fact that limes can do this, pretty much means you are digesting the lime even before you eat it, due to the fact that your mouth is already filling up with digestive salivas. (So in a sense, the more you drool, the faster you break down food!) After you've stuffed yourself, your stomach acids and the acidic content of the lime finishes the job, but because of the high acidic content, your stomach doesn't have to work as hard to break down the food!

Limes and Eye Care?

Limes and their anti-oxidant properties help protect your eyes from aging, and macular degeneration. The flavanoids from the lime, also help protect them from infections! (Whats a flavanoid? These little guys are more like the cavalry to white blood cells, they help your body fight off infections, inflammation etc.)

Limes and Constipation?

The high acidic content found in a lime helps clear the excretory system by washing and cleaning off the tracts (Pretty much the same concept drain cleaning agents like drain-o clears and cleans drains!). Then the roughage in the lime is also helpful in eliminating constipation, though it is mainly due to its acid. A natural laxative can be conjured up with lots of lime juice and salt, this is an all natural and safe way to clean your system!

Limes and Your Mouth!

Usually the root causes of gum problems are deficiency of vitamin-C (Scurvy, which gives bleeding and spongy gums) Sometimes, the ulcers and injuries or wounds from bones, hard objects etc. are also the causes. In all of these, limes are once again the little troopers that can help you. The vitamin-C content in limes cures scurvy, and its troopers, the flavonoids, inhibit microbial growth and the potassium combined with the flavonoids help heal ulcers and wounds.

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